Hazwoper Training


Tower Safety provides Hazwhoper training with expert hazmat trainer Jeff Zientek.

HAZWOPER training applies to workers and employers involved in five specific types of operations outlined in OSHA’s HAZWOPER standard:

  • Cleanup operations required by a governmental body (federal, state, local or other) involving hazardous substances and conducted at an uncontrolled hazardous waste site
  • Corrective actions involving cleanup operations at sites covered by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
  • Hazardous waste operations conducted at treatment, storage and disposal (TSD) facilities regulated under RCRA
  • Operations at non-TSD facilities that generate hazardous waste
  • Emergency response operations involving the release of or substantial threat of release of hazardous substances regardless of the location of the hazards

Which HAZWOPER Course Do I Need?

The training you need depends on your job role, work responsibilities and your risk for harmful exposures. All our courses satisfy OSHA HAZWOPER training standards for workers in general industry (29 CFR 1910.120) and construction (29 CFR 1926.65). HAZWOPER standards are identical for construction and general industry, so our courses satisfy requirements for workers who fall under either category.

Most workers who are new to operations involving hazardous waste or emergency response actions are required to complete the 40-Hour HAZWOPER training course.

For workers who spend a limited amount of time at uncontrolled hazardous waste sites, or those whose work will not expose them to dangerous levels of hazardous substances, 24-Hour HAZWOPER training is adequate.

The 8-Hour HAZWOPER training program is appropriate for workers who completed 40-Hour or 24-Hour HAZWOPER training and need to meet OSHA’s annual requirement for eight hours of HAZWOPER refresher training.

Call for pricing 602-900-7668 or [email protected]

Tower Safety Trainer, Jeff Zientek

Fire Captain (Ret.), Hazardous Materials Technician, Technical Rescue Technician, Helicopter Rescue Crew Chief, & Author of Hazmat Response.

About Hazmat Response A Field Operations Guide – by Jeffrey Zientek
This book provides a comprehensive way to work the hazardous materials incidents. It begins with setting up your teams (Hazard, Research, Recon, Decon, Entry etc) and the checklist’s that they need to perform their operational part. The book also contains information on what to look for and how to work common incidents such as radiation, sick buildings, mercury incidents, motor carrier tanker accidents, and more. Full color photos and descriptions of rail & motor carriers are provided along with common chemicals, CBRNE information and much more! Whether you have a Hazmat Team or just first responders, whether you have established SOP/SOG’s on hazmat incidents, this book can provide quick needed information and can also enhance those, already established, SOP/SOG’s!

Hazmat Response Field Operation Guide

Tower Safety is changing the “Safety behavior one student at a time!“ go ahead do something impossible today, Get Tower Safety Certified!

Schedule training today  [email protected]