Tower Inspections and TIA
Condition Assessment Training
The TIA Inspection course covers analysis and design, along with means and methods criteria related to the construction, installation, alteration and maintenance of communication structures according to the ANSI/TIA – 222-F/222-G/222-H and 322 to include measuring the tensions, twist and plumb of the tower and providing maintenance recommendations for issues.
We are passionate about providing companies with a skilled and safe cell tower employee. Students safety training experience with Tower Safety and Rescue Courses will show we care about YOU.





Cell Tower Inspections
TIA-222-G suggests maintenance and condition assessment shall be performed, at a minimum, once every three years for guyed towers and once every five years for self-supporting towers. Towers used for essential communications or those that represent a high hazard in the event of failure (Class III structures), towers in coastal regions or corrosive environments, or towers subjected to frequent vandalism require more frequent assessment and maintenance. Towers should also be assessed after severe seismic events, wind and/or ice storms.
Course Contents:
- Tower Recognition
- Structural Members
- Bracing Patterns
- Member Connections
- Field Measurements
- Appurtenances
- Feed Lines
- Mounts
- Inspection Tools and Best Practices
- Scopes of Work
- Administrative
- Practical Application and Tower Climbing Principles
This is a great course for the basic understanding of a cell tower inspection.