Twas The Night Before Christmas
By Kathy Gill/Tower Safety & Instruction
All through the school not a carabiner was clicking
Everything in order, not a thing was missing
The ropes were hung by the tower with care
In the hopes the men would go up safely in the air
The students were nestled all snug at their desks
While visions of climbing danced in their heads
The instructor in her work-boots and I in my reading glasses
Had just settled our brains for long winter classes
When out in the yard there arose such a clatter
I sprang from my desk… what was the matter?
Away from the PowerPoint I flew like a bat
Tore open the warehouse door and threw on my hardhat
The training tower glowing like midday lanyards in thin smog
When what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a small truck and eight tiny dogs
With a petite driver so lively and quick
I knew for a moment it must be the lunch lady, Miss Nic!
More rapid than a foreman, with a whistle and a shout she called them by lad: “Now Clark, now Dale, now Mark, now Art, now Tom, now Tim, now John, now Brad!
To the top of the tower, where there is no headroom to haul
Climb away, Climb away, Climb away all!
So up to the lunch countertop they flew
With the truck full of Red Bulls, and Miss Nic too
She had a broad face and smoked like a chimney
While laughing with her gut and stomped out her cigarette butt quickly
A wink of her eye and twist of the sauce
Soon I was not at a loss
She spoke not a word but went to work filling every plate
And out of the gate, we all ate
With bellies full for the group
She sprang to her truck and to her dog team gave a whoop
With no GPS installed, the tower technicians speedily drove away
But I heard her exclaim, “Merry Christmas my Tower Hands and have a Great Day!“
Tower Inspection Training- Introduction into the Wireless Industry
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